Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28, 2019

This third edition of Data Science Summer School (DS3is co-organised by the Data Science Initiative of École polytechnique and DATAIA Institutein the quiet and charming outskirts of Paris.

The primary focus of the event is to provide a series of courses and practical sessions covering the latest advances in the field of data science.

The event is targeted for students (MSc2, PhD), postdocs, academics, members of public institutions, and professionals.

DS3 is composed of

tutorials on selected topics  presented by
leading experts of the area1,

parallel sessions on Health and Computer Vision,

in-depth tutorials with practical sessions during 2 days in smaller groups,

several networking facilities, including poster sessions2, meeting possibilities at the sponsor booths, welcoming cocktail, banquet.

Statistics of the event 2019 :

  • 500 participants
  • 307 students (MSc, PhD) & postdocs
  • 105 professionals
  • 35 experts (speakers, guests)
  • 34 countries (click on the flags)
  • 6 continents
  • 13 in-depth tutorials
  • 220 institutions
  • 70 companies
  • sponsors
  • 152 posters
  • 28% women’s participation

Sharing the summer school:

1. The opening ceremony (9:30-10:30am) and the first talks on Monday morning are available for public attendance freely. We suggest to our guests attending these talks (only) to arrive by 9:00am. Registration is not required.
2. Participants are encouraged to present a poster during the event.